The global economy has a brand new threat

The world is dancing on the edge of a financial knife. It’s not just the big dogs in the U.S. with their wallets bulging near to bursting – this is a worldwide phenomenon. Big companies across the globe are raking in profits like they’re going out of style. Thanks to a little birdie at JPMorgan, […]

Mar 17, 2024 - 02:40
The global economy has a brand new threat

The world is dancing on the edge of a financial knife. It’s not just the big dogs in the U.S. with their wallets bulging near to bursting – this is a worldwide phenomenon. Big companies across the globe are raking in profits like they’re going out of style. Thanks to a little birdie at JPMorgan, we’ve got the scoop that even beyond the stars and stripes, the profit margins of corporations in developed markets have been on a steady climb over the past several decades.

A Balancing Act of Historic Profitability

Let’s cut through the financial jargon. What we’ve got here is a situation where companies, from New York to Tokyo, are sitting pretty with profit margins that would make Midas green with envy. But here’s the kicker: all of this is happening against a backdrop of inflation that’s been ticking up. You’d think higher costs would eat into these margins, but so far, companies have been ducking and weaving like pros.

JPMorgan tossed us a curveball with their analysis. It turns out, comparing the U.S. and other developed markets is like comparing apples to oranges because of different calculation methods. But the bottom line? Profits are sky-high almost everywhere.

Now, the plot thickens as we consider the future. There’s a high-stakes race unfolding between wages, productivity, and prices. Central banks are watching from the sidelines, ready to jump in with interest rate cuts if the inflation dragon can be tamed without sacrificing growth. But it’s a delicate balance. A misstep could lead us into the arms of a recession or keep us in an inflation chokehold.

JPMorgan isn’t placing bets yet on whether we’ll cruise to a soft landing or crash into a recession by mid-2025. But they’ve got their eyes on two scenarios that could tip the scales.

Two Roads Diverged: Recession or Inflation?

First up, the “wait for it” scenario. Imagine profit margins start to squeeze companies until they holler uncle. They might start cutting jobs and slashing investments. This could be the nudge that sends the economy tumbling into a recession. History’s shown us this movie before, and it usually ends with a downturn.

Then there’s the “too darn hot” scenario. Here, companies flex their pricing muscles instead of cutting costs. If they manage to pass on the costs to consumers, we could see a surge in inflation. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Strong labor markets could keep the spending party going, boosting growth. The catch? Central banks might play the party pooper, hiking rates to combat inflation, which could still spell recession.

Now, here’s the twist. The U.S. hasn’t seen a major inflation spike driven by corporate pricing power in ages. But post-COVID-19, the game might have changed. The pandemic acted like a starter pistol for companies to hike prices together, without the usual fear of losing customers. Whether this newfound boldness sticks around is anyone’s guess.

But wait, there’s more. S&P Global Market Intelligence has tossed its hat into the ring with a rosy outlook for 2024, bumping up the global growth forecast to 2.6%. They’re seeing signs of life in economies around the world, from the U.S. to India. The forecast for 2025 holds steady at the same growth rate, suggesting a steady, if cautious, optimism.

The latest from the economic front lines, the Global Purchasing Managers’ Index, is showing some positive vibes too. February saw a bump in the PMI, signaling that businesses might be finding their footing after a rocky period. Both manufacturing and service sectors are showing signs of expansion, which is good news for trade and economic health.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. While inflation is expected to cool off a bit, it’s doing so at a snail’s pace, especially in the services sector. And while core goods inflation is dropping, the overall picture is one of cautious optimism, with a side of vigilance for any unexpected bumps in the road.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Federal Reserve is playing hard to get with interest rate cuts, possibly waiting until mid-year to make a move. This hesitation reflects a mix of growth resilience and sticky inflation. Meanwhile, forecasts for rate cuts in Europe and the UK are holding steady, suggesting a synchronized, if cautious, step back from the brink.

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