How PR Can Help Bridge the Gap Between Blockchain and Mainstream Adoption

You’re at a dinner party when the conversation turns to cryptocurrency. “Didn’t that whole crypto thing crash and burn?” someone asks sceptically. “I heard it was all a scam.” As enthusiastic as they are, the blockchain supporters shift awkwardly, struggling to counter these snap judgments. Before long, the cynicism takes over and nobody is really [...]

Jul 4, 2024 - 16:39
How PR Can Help Bridge the Gap Between Blockchain and Mainstream Adoption

You’re at a dinner party when the conversation turns to cryptocurrency. “Didn’t that whole crypto thing crash and burn?” someone asks sceptically. “I heard it was all a scam.”

As enthusiastic as they are, the blockchain supporters shift awkwardly, struggling to counter these snap judgments. Before long, the cynicism takes over and nobody is really any the wiser about the real benefits of crypto or its underlying blockchain technology.

Sound familiar? Unfortunately, misunderstandings like this are still all too common when it comes to blockchain (and any other emerginc tech, for that matter). The truth is, for lots of mainstream people – especially older generations or those less tech savvy – crypto seems painfully complex and all a bit esoteric. This highlights a major obstacle facing blockchain’s mainstream adoption.

While some experts believe that crypto will have at least a billion users by 2025, the reality is that blockchain desperately needs some serious PR expertise in its corner if more “normies” are going to open their minds to its potential.

The Crypto Knowledge Gap Problem

For crypto insiders, the brilliance of blockchain is self-evident. But for many people, even getting the basics – like why an unchangeable distributed ledger is revolutionary – remains a mystery. You have to remember, the learning curve is steep. There is a lot of ground you need to cover before you can even begin to feel like you grasp the fundamentals.

Most enthusiasts falsely assume blockchain’s superiority will drive adoption on its own. But that ignores reality—if people don’t get it, they won’t buy into it. It’s as simple as that. Killer tech means nothing if users can’t wrap their heads around it.

So, how can PR help with this? Well, at a basic level, it can translate complex capabilities into simple, accessible concepts people can digest.  Just like early Apple campaigns positioned personal computers as tools for creativity over boxes of circuit boards, the crypto industry needs messaging emphasising real-life applications rather than technical wizardry.

The Trust Issue 

Cryptocurrency history is plagued by scams, hacking incidents, illegal activity, and a  lot of crazy volatility. Is it any wonder many people still view the space with scepticism? After all, everyone likes the idea of a trustless system – until trusting that system backfires.

This lingering reputational damage means the crypto community can’t just issue a few press releases and call it a day. Rebuilding broad public confidence requires showing tangible commitment to values like security, stability, accountability, and transparency.

A blockchain PR agency could work closely with an organisation to help them consistently showcase behind-the-scenes efforts in these areas. And by encouraging two-way engagement between blockchain projects and audiences, restored trust can bubble up organically from shared values rather than from the top-down.

The “What’s In It For Me?” Question

At the end of the day, people care about how blockchain can improve their lives, not how it works. Buzzwords like encryption algorithms, distributed nodes, and hashing just make their eyes glaze over again. Did you know the average attention span today is…trails off distractedly.

But position blockchain-enabled solutions as protecting sensitive data from hackers or allowing artists to directly connect with fans? Now you’re speaking the language of the people. Well thought-out PR humanises the tech by translating it into real-world benefits. And these compelling, experiential narratives are what stick in people’s minds.

How PR Does Its Magic


Let’s say your task is introducing the public to your newly developed quantum computing system. The common mistake would be fixating on qubits, quantum annealing, or the intricacies of entanglement because that’s what you, the expert, find fascinating.

Instead, the PR pros would advise telling stories that immerse readers in what it’s like experiencing quantum capabilities in action. Give them a glimpse into a world where previously impossible complex simulations are suddenly within reach for researchers developing life saving medications.

The history of transformative technologies like the internet shows people don’t adopt something because of specs – they adopt it because it lets them achieve goals they already have. PR storytelling puts those aspirational application scenarios front and centre.

Done right, this approach can spark the collective imagination. When Apple introduced the iPhone, people weren’t blown away by the technical novelty of capacitive touchscreens or multitouch gestures. But showing real people integrating a snappy, intuitive device seamlessly into their lifestyle? Now that was an effective campaign.

And human-centred PR storytelling works just as well for demystifying blockchain. Crypto wallet adoption, NFT digital collectibles, supply chain tokenization – behind each use case are people with dreams, frustrations, and goals that blockchain promises to address. Their stories are what will make crypto click for the masses.

Media Relations

Misconceptions around crypto spread easily through news and popular culture. Dogecoin jokes, depictions of Bitcoin bros striking it rich, warnings of the dark web and ransomware – such incomplete perspectives only serve to widen existing knowledge gaps.

That’s why consistent outreach educating journalists and media creators regarding blockchain is so important (if not essential). Getting blockchain projects in front of reporters through custom pitches can inject nuance and balance into coverage. Reporters appreciate having comprehensible, pre-packaged narratives that provide fresh angles without requiring lots of blockchain fluency upfront.

Proactive media relations like this allow the crypto industry to lead in shaping its own public image rather than leaving it in the hands of others.

Community Building

Community building means creating spaces – digital and physical – where curious newcomers can learn about blockchain through shared passions. PR initiatives like meetups, workshops, conferences and forums nurture supportive environments for people to engage organically at their own pace.

The goal is facilitating social transmission – onboarding newbies through word-of-mouth enthusiasm rather than forced explanations. Peers answering each other’s questions while bonding over common interests makes blockchain approachable. There’s just something more relatable about learning from an equally enthusiastic friend versus a distant expert.

Making it Relevant

Rather than hoping people will spontaneously become interested in blockchain, why not strategically insert crypto innovation into narratives the public already cares about? Find opportunities to organically showcase blockchain solutions enhancing art, music, sports, fashion, gaming, entertainment and other facets of popular culture.

Seeing crypto further their favourite interests is more likely to win over sceptics than just hearing it can be useful in the abstract. This grassroots integration creates on-ramps for crypto adoption while simultaneously shifting collective perceptions at scale.

Final Word

The crypto community recognizes something groundbreaking is being built with blockchain. But fulfilling its world-changing potential requires bringing the non-tech masses on board. As strategists specialised in influence, relationship building, and perception, blockchain-native PR experts are perfectly positioned to build the necessary bridges of understanding that will (hopefully) see the industry have its deserved time in the spotlight. 

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