Goldman Sachs and its clients still don’t care about crypto

Let’s get right into it, shall we? Goldman Sachs, the giant of Wall Street, is as uninterested in cryptocurrencies as I am in my neighbor’s opinion about my lawn. Despite the buzz, the hype, and the occasional skyrocketing prices that make headlines, Goldman Sachs and its esteemed clientele seem to be on a different frequency […]

Apr 3, 2024 - 22:33
Goldman Sachs and its clients still don’t care about crypto

Let’s get right into it, shall we? Goldman Sachs, the giant of Wall Street, is as uninterested in cryptocurrencies as I am in my neighbor’s opinion about my lawn. Despite the buzz, the hype, and the occasional skyrocketing prices that make headlines, Goldman Sachs and its esteemed clientele seem to be on a different frequency altogether. Not even a blip of interest in Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any of their digital cousins.

Now, you might wonder, with other financial giants dipping their toes and even diving headfirst into the crypto pool, why is Goldman Sachs standing at the edge, seemingly content with just dipping a skeptical toe?

Why Goldman Sachs Isn’t Biting the Crypto Bait

Sharmin Mossavar-Rahmani, the chief honcho of investment wisdom at Goldman Sachs, hasn’t minced her words about Bitcoin and its ilk. She’s been consistent in her skepticism. In her world, and by extension, Goldman Sachs’, cryptocurrencies are like a guest who wasn’t invited to the party but showed up anyway. She questions the very fabric of their existence, notably their value. Without a tangible way to peg their worth, she argues, how can anyone be bullish or bearish about them?

This perspective isn’t isolated within the vaulted walls of Goldman Sachs. The bank’s clients, those with wallets hefty enough to sway markets, echo this sentiment. They’re not just uninterested; they’re outright skeptical. This, despite the fact that other financial behemoths, like BlackRock and Fidelity, have been embracing cryptocurrencies with open arms, doubling down on their efforts to integrate them into their investment strategies.

Mossavar-Rahmani’s beef with cryptocurrencies isn’t just about their volatile valuation. She calls out what she sees as the industry’s hypocrisy – the promise of democratizing finance that somehow still leaves the power in the hands of a select few. It’s a critique that slices to the heart of one of the crypto world’s most vaunted benefits.

While Goldman Sachs watches from the sidelines, its competitors are not just dipping but swimming in the crypto pool. J.P. Morgan Chase, for example, didn’t just dip a toe; they dived in headfirst with their blockchain platform. Citigroup isn’t far behind, exploring how to make funds more accessible through tokenization.

The Rise of ETFs and Goldman Sachs’ Strategic Move

Here’s where the plot thickens. While cryptocurrencies get the cold shoulder, there’s a different kind of financial instrument that’s getting all the love – ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds). Steve Sachs, no relation to the firm’s name, points out an intriguing shift. Investors are hungry for ETFs, and this appetite shows no signs of waning. The message is crystal clear: if your firm isn’t offering ETFs, you’re missing out, big time. It’s like being the only one not invited to the party of the century.

Goldman Sachs, ever the strategist, isn’t ignoring this trend. With the SEC’s Rule 6c-11 easing the launch of ETFs, the floodgates have opened. Yet, launching an ETF isn’t as simple as throwing a party and expecting everyone to show up. It requires a nuanced dance of skills, resources, and risk management – a dance not everyone is prepared to perform.

Enter the ETF Accelerator by Goldman Sachs, a digital knight in shining armor. Launched in 2022, this platform is a game-changer, enabling clients to swiftly launch, list, and manage their ETFs. It’s not just about getting to the party; it’s about making an entrance with all eyes on you. The accelerator simplifies what was once a complex process, leveraging Goldman Sachs’ renowned technology, infrastructure, and risk management prowess.

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