County Highlights First Year of CARE Act Accomplishments
San Diego County leads the state in results a year after the CARE act, according to a county press release.
San Diego County leads the state in results a year after beginning a pilot program for behavioral health care, according to a county press release.
Last October, San Diego County was among seven counties statewide to pilot the Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Act program, a voluntary program that provides another pathway to treatment for adults diagnosed with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. Today, the number of CARE agreements in San Diego County is about double that of the other six pilot counties combined. Clients with a recent history of needing crisis services also reduced their reliance on these kinds of services by two-thirds after enrolling in a CARE Agreement.
“We applaud the incredible work of participants, and the CARE team that has done so much to support participants’ well-being,” said Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Nora Vargas.
While the program is not specifically focused on addressing the unsheltered population, more than half of the 71 agreements are with people who were unhoused at the time the agreement was filed. More than 80% have since been housed.
“We are being tapped as the expert to teach other counties how to build this program as it expands to every county across the state,” said Dr. Luke Bergmann, director of County Behavioral Health Services.
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