BRICS News: Gold Hits All-Time High as USD Weakens—Is Bitcoin the Next Asset to Soar?

An industry expert predicts that the purchasing power of the US Dollar could reduce to zero from the current 3% amid the de-dollarization strategy led by the BRICS nations.  According to the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author, it is advisable to consider saving in Bitcoin, gold, and silver to escape the potential hyperinflation.  The US [...]

Sep 24, 2024 - 09:02
BRICS News: Gold Hits All-Time High as USD Weakens—Is Bitcoin the Next Asset to Soar?
  • An industry expert predicts that the purchasing power of the US Dollar could reduce to zero from the current 3% amid the de-dollarization strategy led by the BRICS nations. 
  • According to the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author, it is advisable to consider saving in Bitcoin, gold, and silver to escape the potential hyperinflation. 

The US Dollar (USD) is reported to be in a critical situation as its purchasing power weakens in the face of the BRICS alliance’s de-dollarization strategy. According to the CEO of Zang Enterprises, Lynette Zang, the US Federal Reserve has admitted in a document that only 3% of the USD’s original purchasing power remains this year. 

Scrutinizing the situation with official data available, Zang disclosed that things could get worse as the purchasing power may likely dwindle to zero in 2025. Economically, the adverse effects could be grievous as hyperinflation may be significantly experienced in the US leading to Job losses and disruption, she explained. 

According to other experts, another factor that could quickly render the USD almost “valueless” in the sense of international trade is the BRICS agenda. To Zang, the country could likely get punished for “failing to kill the beast they created.”

I believe, with all my heart and everything that I know, that we’ve already begun the transition to hyperinflation. We’re going to see more borrowing, more money printing, and more inflation because they have not killed that beast that they created and continue to create. It’ll become very obvious in 2025.

Precious Metal Expert Makes Crucial Analysis of BRICS Strategy and USD’s Position

In another interview with historian and precious metals expert John Forest Little, it was highlighted that the rising de-dollarization agenda is forcing the US to reconsider its monetary policy and resort to gold for economic influence.

Historically, the US was reported to have suspended dollar convertibility to gold in the Bretton Woods II era after the USD became the reserve currency in Bretton Woods I. According to the analyst, the country is now entering the Bretton Woods III, which is characterized by the movement towards commodities and gold-backed currencies.

Unfortunately for the US, the BRICS nations are reported to be at the forefront as they extensively accumulate gold and other resources to lead a new financial order. On top of that, the BRICS nations are in the process of building an alternative financial system, which includes the recently tested bridge digital currency platform and the UNIT, as we reported earlier. 

In addition to creating a multipolar economic world, the BRICS is also moving away from dollar reliance. In situations where BRICS sell US Treasuries to buy gold, the country could battle rising inflation. In this case, the expert advises that the US embrace gold in its monetary policies. 

Amid the backdrop of the USD weakening purchasing power, gold reached its all-time high price at 2,638.79 on September 24. Interestingly, Bitcoin (BTC) could be the next in line to soar as institutional investors resort to the digital asset as a hedge against impending inflation. This coincides with the recent statement of the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki. According to Kiyosaki, saving real gold, silver, and Bitcoin and buying rental properties is important to avoid “being crushed by the destroying USD.”

For years I could see this crisis coming… which is why I wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad, own my business, use debt as money to buy cash-flowing assets such as rental properties, save real gold and silver, and today Bitcoin. Please be prepared and take care. It’s getting exciting.

At press time, Bitcoin was trading at $63.4k after surging by 8% in the last seven days. 


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